Energy healing for the everyday human. Crystals not required.

Finding the connections between your energy fields and your life
You know how easy it is to see a clear path forward for a friend that she can’t see herself? Energy work is the same; it’s an outside perspective on what is blocking you so that you can release those blocks and move forward with clarity.
And yes, the “energy” I’m talking about is actual, physical energy: the sound, light, and electromagnetic waves your body creates that are seen, heard, and felt by others.
Everything in your life is connected. The persistent problems that keep coming back again and again are linked to an inner belief or energy block…so if you’re feeling blocked and aren’t sure why, there’s a reason. Your outer life is the result of your inner life inside your mind and body, and everything from your beliefs to your behavior determines how your life flows (or doesn’t). If your inner life is chaotic, so is your outer life. The same goes for feeling calm, peaceful, and joyful. You get the picture.
So let’s make sure your inner life is supporting the outcomes you desire in your outer life, shall we? It’s quick, easy, and pleasurable, and over time, you can even learn to do it yourself (yes, I can teach you!)
Anyone who seeks healing and a fresh perspective
If you’re reading this, chances are that you’ve already invested a lot in yourself. Your education, your career, your home, your relationships, your well-being. You’ve already come so far, and yet… You’re likely facing a decision or transition that you’d like clarity and support to navigate. You may have no idea what you should do next, or you know what you need do, but aren’t doing it. Maybe it’s not the right decision…or maybe there’s an energetic block preventing you from moving forward.
Either way, energy healing will help you see what’s holding you back so that you can move forward. It will help you release negative emotions and restore your radiance. It will bring your body, mind, and heart back into alignment so that you can show up as your most vibrant, shining self and wake up feeling good more days than you don’t.
I’ve been where you are, and I know a clear path through.
Back in 2009, I was going through a “dark night of the soul.” I felt completely separated from other people, from the divine, but most importantly, from myself. I studied many healing modalities in my pursuit of feeling better, but energy healing, specifically Barbara Brennan’s energy healing, along with Ayurveda and my Rose Priestess initiation, made the greatest impact and led me to my most permanent, long-term healing and change. I downloaded Rose Priestess Reiki energy as my own personal, feminine form of offering Reiki (aka. spiritually guided life force energy), and I vowed to share it with as many people as I can during my life with the intention and prayer that it leads you to healing, spiritual growth, and personal fulfilment as well.
Learn More About My Training and Process >
Learn energy medicine of the Rose in a loving space
I am committed to training the next generation of energy medicine practitioners with the highest standards of accuracy and care in the Rose Priestess Reiki School. This isn’t your standard Reiki training; it’s a rigorous, seven — level program of my own type of healing that’s specifically designed to heal blocked feminine energy. A form of alternative medicine that you can add to any other healing modalities you offer as a coach, teacher, student, Rose Priestess Reiki Energy will help your clients identify and heal energetic and life blocks while rebalancing the feminine in their inner and outer worlds.

Success Stories
"Truly magical"
My experience with Rose Priestess Reiki School was truly magical. With the tender guidance of Katia, in just one session I was able to overcome the pick of emotional crises, rebalance my chaotic energies, and get a sense of direction. I will be happy to continue my journey with Rose Priestess Reiki School and highly recommend it.
—Vera (Canada)
"Tremendous positive change"
I needed help with a health issue that was going on for about 17 years, and other treatments and doctors weren't of much help. Katia made a plan, and during and after healing sessions I felt a tremendous positive change. I decided to work with her on another long-term issue, and she was extremely professional and compassionate. I am beyond grateful for all her help.
—Yulia (Puerto-Rico)
"Warmth, Attention, and Support"
Katia, thank you very much for your warmth, attention, and support! Our session really helped me to relax and regroup my thoughts. It also helped me to move forward and filled me with optimism and internal strength. With much appreciation for what you do.
—Masha (Boston, MA)