Bright, glowing energy in just one session

Under every energy block lies a desire…

“I want to find love, a true partnership that supports me.”
”It feels like I can never earn enough or feel abundant.”
”I keep getting in my own way — overspending and overeating.”
”I feel sad. I can’t sleep at night. I don’t feel motivated.”
“I don’t know what my purpose is.”
“I just feel lost.”

If you can relate to any of these statements, you’re in the right place. They’re the most common things I hear from new clients when they come through my door. Underneath every one lies an energetic block…and a desire. A desire for love, for abundance, for balance, for happiness, for purpose, for direction, for a better experience of life.

In a private session, we’ll identify the limiting beliefs that are at the root of your energetic blocks and the desires that are yearning to be fulfilled on the other side. I’ll help you remove those blocks with a Rose Priestess Reiki healing session, and you’ll move forward with a healing protocol to start rewriting new beliefs and taking the actions that will transform your desire from a dream to your destiny.


Connect your results (or lack of them) with your blocks

If I open up one of your journals from two years ago, how different will it look to your journal today? Have you moved on from the challenges you were dealing with then? Or do the same questions continue to show up in your life over and over (and over)? If it’s the second, you likely have some energy blocks that are preventing you from moving forward.

The results you’re getting (or not getting) are directly linked to the energy you’re embodying and putting out into the world. Why? Because if you wake up each day feeling good and clear on what matters most to you in this stage and season of your life, you’ll likely take actions to support those priorities. But if your energy feels stuck or sluggish, it’s nearly impossible to make meaningful progress on what matters most. You’re happy just to make it through the day, surviving but not thriving.

On top of this, other people will sense the energy you’re putting out and respond accordingly. Have you ever met up with a friend and could just TELL they were having a bad day? Other people sense your energy in exactly the same way. And energy is attracted to similar energy — just how people with the same interests join clubs, people with energy at your level will gravitate towards you. An energetic block can block the people who will support your highest good, whether that’s in romantic relationships, career partnerships, or even having a gang of like-minded friends to support you.

Whatever your current situation in life, I will identify the root of your problem, remove the block that’s formed there, and create a plan for continued healing and long-term energetic maintenance.


Nothing is off limits.

  • You are worthy of feeling loved in your wholeness. Romantic relationships are the #1 place where my clients feel blocked, and I have years of experience helping people remove their energetic blocks to love. This includes rewriting old stories that no longer serve you and healing past trauma and hurt as well as creating space in your life for a new relationship to thrive. It’s exciting work, and rose-infused energetic healing is especially powerful medicine for heart healing and opening.

  • Energy work is rocket fuel for your career in terms of getting clarity on your goals then removing the blocks that are preventing you from taking action or attracting the right opportunities. While there is so much that can feel unpredictable and out of your control in your working life, there is one thing that is 100% in your control: how you show up for it and how much you bring your A-game. Let me help you remove the blocks that prevent you from meeting your highest potential so that you can show up and shine!

  • Money IS energy, so if you struggle to earn or keep money, there are definitely energy blockages you need to address. A money leak is an energy leak, and a money block is an energy block. When you remove blocks to earning money and beliefs that create self-sabotaging money behaviors, new avenues of abundance will open up to you, sometimes in the most unexpected ways.

  • All physical symptoms and illnesses are holistic; they all carry links to our mental and emotional health and are influenced by your thoughts and feelings. Whether you’re dealing with an active medical issue or experiencing energetic blockages as residue from a past one (this is common), energy work is a wonderful complement to any other treatments or therapies you’re undergoing. It’s not a replacement for medical treatment, but it can support your healing journey and overall feeling of well-being.

  • Our relationships with friends and family can be our greatest source of stability or instability. Whether you’re looking to heal a persistent challenge in your relationships or manifest more community in your life, energy work can help identify current blocks to harmonious partnerships in all areas of your life, not just romance, and ensure that you have the tools to attract and navigate these with ease and love.

  • While “self-love” has become a huge buzzword in wellness communities, I prefer to focus on self-actualization. While this includes treating yourself with deeper levels of love and taking loving action on your own behalf, it also encompasses your sense of purpose and self-expression. Your innate sense of value and worthiness that’s not connected to your work. Your creativity. Your sense of aliveness. Your relationship with yourself and feeling of satisfaction with who you’re becoming. This is truly the work of a lifetime and is the heart of everything you do, so self-sabotage is often at the root of problems you’re experiencing in other areas of your life. Once we remove energetic blockages between you and yourself, an enormous amount of life force energy is freed up for you to focus on other things. It’s time to become your best ally instead of your own worst enemy.

  • If you struggle with feeling overwhelmed by emotions or accessing them at all, feeling numb, energy healing is vital for re-establishing healthy emotional expression. I’ll help you locate the source of your current imbalance and teach you how to partner with your emotions as important messengers and allies, rather than inconvenient nuisances to ignore or distrust.

  • “I’m in my head!” is so common right now with endless research and resources at our fingertips. A 24-hour news cycle keeps many of us stuck permanently in anxiety and fear over current events and the worries about an uncertain future. If this is you, energy healing can help you get back into your body and into your innate sense of trust in life itself to support and protect you. Let’s redirect your life force energy from worry over what you don’t want to taking inspired action towards what you do.

  • If you’re grappling with questions of your spirituality or your awakening psychic gifts, energy work can support removal of blocks that have come from past experiences as well as supporting your energy as it shifts during a spiritual transition. These times in life can feel ungrounded and “airy,” and Rose Priestess Reiki will help ground you back into your body and your heart.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”



Rose Priestess Reiki

During your session, you’ll experience Rose Priestess Reiki energy healing, then after your session, you’ll receive a healing protocol so you can continue to shift your energy around this area of your life.

Rose Priestess Reiki works by healing, clearing, and releasing you from:

  • past negative experiences

  • unhealthy relationship patterns

  • losing your purpose in life

  • disconnection from reality

  • negative thought patterns

  • childhood traumas

  • disconnection from God (Spirit) and your intuition

A healing protocol is your personalized toolbox that may include:

  • affirmations

  • personal prayer practice

  • movement practice

  • breath meditation

  • herbal supplements

  • essential oils

  • crystals and crystal grids


My superpower is reading energy.

Even more than reading your energy, I can see the blind spots in your life. I can help you connect the dots between how you feel, what you do, and who surrounds you. They are always connected.

A private session is right for you if you’re ready to move past repetitive ways of thinking and living and make tangible movement and progress in a new direction. My work is about helping you uncover:

  • In what areas of your life do you feel blocked?

  • What are your perceived limitations—real or make believe?

  • Where are you holding back and what are you scared of?

  • What patterns would you like to release?

  • What dreams and desires are you calling in?

In a private session, I’ll help you not only answer these questions, but we’ll release blocks and create a healing protocol to move forward into your beautiful future.


Details and Pricing

Four options for single sessions:

  1. Consultation

    Consultations are your time to share your worries and concerns and receive aligned guidance. We will meet over Zoom for 1 hour. Bring a pen and paper to take down notes. You will receive a recording of our session.

  2. Rose Priestess Reiki Energy Healing

    Before your session, please select how you’d like to share your healing request. You may either send it via email or schedule a complimentary 15-minute call.

    To book your energy healing session, simply select any available time slot in the schedule.

    After your session, you will receive a detailed email with personalized insights, intuitive recommendations, and a photo of your custom crystal grid to support your continued healing journey.

  3. Consultation + RPR Energy Healing

    Book your consultation before the energy healing. We will integrate your needs into the energy healing session.

  4. 7 Spirals of Self-Mastery Journey

    A 4-months self-discovery journey and a sacred manual creator. This programme includes 7 spirals or modules. You may purchase a session per spiral, each spiral includes 2 consultations and one energy healing specific to the spiral.

    Learn more about 7 Spirals of Self Mastery Journey


If you’d like to briefly connect and ask questions before you book your session, please book a free 15-minute consultation so we can discuss how I might support you.


  • All sessions are pre-paid and non-refundable. You can reschedule your session up to 24 hours in advance; however, if you cancel with less than 24 hours’ notice, your payment cannot be credited to a future session.

  • Yes! I can read and clear your energy field simply by you giving me consent to do so, no matter how far apart we are. This works the same way that you can sense something is going on with a loved one even if they're not in the same room with you.

  • There are no refunds available for a session once it has taken place. If you're not satisfied with your results, we can discuss a follow-up session at my discretion. If you're unsure about whether energy healing is right for you, please book a free consult first so that I can answer your questions and you can purchase with confidence.

  • No. Energy healing is not tied to any specific religious or spiritual tradition. You simply need to be personally willing to experience an energy shift.

  • No, even though it might feel like it sometimes! While I have highly developed psychic abilities, these are not fortune-telling sessions, but rather, healing sessions in which I use my intuitive gifts to read your energy and remove blockages.

    As a licensed metaphysical therapist with years of experience, I use my professional knowledge to give you exactly what you need.

  • Yes — however, in this case, I need a picture of the person receiving the healing and their specific request for healing (i.e. help with a career problem, romantic relationship, physical illness, etc.)

    If you wish to book a consultation or energy healing session separately, the cost of each is $120 per session; the cost if you combine them is $222 total.