Terms & Conditions
1-1 Sessions
When you purchase a 1-1 session at the Rose Priestess Reiki online, you agree to:
Be on time, ready and stay committed to your session
Ensure you are in a quite, private and undisturbed space throughout the duration of your session. Treat your session as a sacred time devoted to yourself.
Provide at least 24 hours cancellation notice if you unable to participate in the scheduled session. Failure to give a notice may result in forfeiting your session without an option to reschedule. This rule ensures the energetic potency of your healing sessions
Refund & Cancellation Policy:
There are no refunds available for a session once it has taken place. If you're unsure about whether Rose Priestess Reiki™ (RPR) services are right for you, please book a free consultation before commiting to a paid service. We are happy to answer your questions, so you can purchase with confidence.
A session can be rescheduled. I will make every effort to be flexible to ensure a time and date for your session to take place. Please provide at least 24 hours notice to reschedule your session.
Please note, all session are non-refundable and require at least 24 hours cancellation or rescheduling notice.
Option to Pay Later:
At the Rose Priestess Reiki™ we provide the most comfortable setting for our clients so you can concentrate on your health and wellness. When you make a booking with us you will have an option to pay after the service had taken place. If you are choosing this option, please ensure to make your payment within 15 min after your session. Failure to provide payment for the service received at the Rose Priestess Reiki™ online will result in the energetic blockage of the healing you received as well as inability to continue working with RPR.
You understand that services provided by Rose Priestess Reiki™ are not one of a medical doctor, financial advisor or lawyer, and energy healing, guidance, coaching, channeling, crystal healing, teachings or any information provided within the session should not used as a substitute for psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental care or substance abuse treatment and will not be used in place of any form of medical diagnosis or treatment.
Rose Priestess Reiki™ does not offer any promises or guarantees with regard to its 1-1 Sessions.
You hereby acknowledge and agree:
You are solely and exclusively responsible for the choices you make with regard to your Session, or any significant changes to your life or business;
You are solely and exclusively responsible for your own mental health, physical health, business decisions, and any other actions or inactions your choose to take;
Rose Priestess Reiki™ is not liable for any result or non-result or any consequences which may come about due to your participation in the Session.
Rose Priestess Reiki™ fully protects the privacy and confidentiality of the communications with its clients.
At no time will Rose Priestess Reiki™ voluntarily divulge the coaching relationship between themselves and their clients without written permission from the clients, unless required to do so by law.
Limitation of Liability:
In no event shall Rose Priestess Reiki™ be liable to the clients for any special, punitive, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages of any kind in connection with this agreement and will not be responsible for any adverse effects or consequences that may result, either directly or indirectly from any information or energy healing, coaching or teaching provided.
Rose Priestess Reiki™ may provide you with third-party recommendations for services related to health, wellbeing or spiritual practice. You understand that these are only recommendations and that Rose Priestess Reiki™ will not be held liable for the services provided to you by any third-party or any adverse effects or consequences that may result from any information or services provided by a third-party.
Client Agreement:
By ticking the Terms of Service box before making payments I, the client, confirm that I have read the herein agreement prior to its execution and I am fully familiar with the contents thereof. This agreement shall be binding upon me, legal representatives and assigns.