777 Gateway: Opening of the Portals
On July 7th, 2023 the most profound energetic gateway of our lifetime opened and released its energy to us.
This energy has a strong effect for 5 to 7 days, however, once the portal is open the energy is out and does not have an expiration date. If you missed to work with the energy on the day, simply tune in when you're ready.
The number 777 is the number of divine timing, God, and also known as the angelic number. When you see numbers 7, 77 and 777, you are given a message from the Universe and the angels that they are watching over you and are here to help in a particular situation you are going through or life in general. It carries spiritual connotations, representing growth, awakening, divine intervention and flood of positive energy. Seeing number 7 may relate to healing a dynamic in your romantic partnerships and a call to take time for yourself concentrating on your inner guidance and intuition. If you are in a process of manifesting, seeing number 7 will mean that you are on the right path and your wishes will be fulfilled.
In the biblical meaning, the angel number 777 is a symbol of a complete cycle, spiritual loops and connecting circles.
We were experiencing the opening of the Sirius Gateway 777 Portal which prefaces the Lion’s Gate Portal that will open late in July. Today we enter into a series of the strongest energetic and spiritual ascension events of our lifetime. On a soul level, everyone who is present on Earth on that day, made a commitment to take part in a deep generational and karmic healing. We have made a commitment to embrace and be the witness of your humanity and divinity. As the Sirius star begins to shine, we grow into who we are as human beings. The call is to pave the way for others to shine their light and embrace their divinity.
With the portals opening, be prepared for:
Activation of light codes
Rising of the divine awareness of spiritual gifts
Ascension symptoms rising or rapidly progressing
Spontaneous healing
Rapid manifestation
Receiving powerful downloads from various divine sources especially the Sirian star race (the Pleiadians)
Recodes and upgrades to your DNA structure
The goal of portal is to bring awareness to:
Humanity and divinity are one
The key to ascension is love and oneness
You are given a stream of crystalline energy, the most powerful, potent and profound. It is your choice to use it or ignore it
Trust the Universe and its process
Ego mind vs Love Consciousness
Masculine energy vs Feminine energy
Through the week of a portal we will be granted with intense energy of the new light codes. When we receive such a strong intake, even without awareness, your body may react in various ways. It is common to feel tired, heavy in your body, confused in your mind, ungrounded which may result in extreme nervousness, heart palpitations, in some cases rise of body temperature, anger outbursts and agitation.
During the 777 portal we have an opportunity to clear and transmute the low and dense energetic frequencies to high vibrational ones. This will support the acceleration process into the life you are mean to live.
Ascended Master Saint Germain is the maser alchemist of the sacred fire. He is the Master of the Violet Flame and the Chohan of the 7th Ray. He is the one watching over us during the time of the portal. If we call upon him, he will come with the violet flame of freedom for world and individual transmutation. He initiates our souls in the ritual of transmutation through the violet flame. St. Germain sends the violet ray of freedom, alchemy, mercy, sacred rituals and justice. Through the transmutation with the violet flame we ascend to the new lifewave, new energy, new consciousness and civilization.
The 7th Ray is fully available today to everyone. To work with it during the time of the portal, you don’t need understanding rather openness.
This is the greatest period to receive high vibrations, you can do this by honouring yourself, prioritizing self-care, listening to your intuition, meditation using specific affirmations or mantras (see below), receiving energy healings, meditation with a violet flame, listening to specific sounds and meditation in your own way in stillness. Be aware of your thoughts and reactions, especially towards your loved ones.
Mantras and affirmations you can use at any point at the time of the 777 Gateway and beyond:
“All is well”
“Everything is working out for me as it should”
“All the life comes to me with ease and joy and glory” (repeat 10 times)
Violet Flame mantra by Saint Germain for transmuting personal and planetary errors in feelings, actions and thoughts:
I AM a being of violet fire,
I AM the purity God desires.
Saturday is the day of the 7th Ray and St. Germain. Choose any positive mantra that calls out to you and begins with I AM, by doing so you are instantly connected to a right source to support your process.
Vibrational colours: violet, purple, pink, aqua and teal
Essential Oil: violet
Music: anything above the 432 Hz
The Strauss waltzes carry the vibrations of the violet flame as well as The Rakoczy March by Franz Liszt, which said to carry the flame of the St. Germain’s heart and the formula for the violet flame.
As always, take this information with an open mind and heart, take what you need and leave what is not calling out to you. Remember, that this is an intense time and everyone is effected. Take a compassionate and discerning approach to your actions and those of others.