How to Become a Priestess?
Part 4 of “Becoming a Priestess” series. This series is a starting guide to becoming a priestess in the modern world. It is for everyone who is drawn to the path of a Priestess or curious of its meaning in the current age.
Answering the Call
The path of a Priestess begins with a call from deep within her heart, an inner knowing that she is ready to be the master of her life, service and sisterhood. It is a call of your Soul to come into your full power and potential. It is the call of the Divine Feminine, inviting you under her wing to receive her wisdom, protection and love. It is a call of your ancestors, feminine energy and intuition. A call from your sisters from all realms and dimensions to join them in the sisterhood of a Goddess.
A path of a Priestess is an intimate and unique journey of a lifetime. The way we walk this path is different for everyone on this path. Personally, I did not receive a call from within my heart at first, I saw a website and immediately signed for a Priestess training without full understanding of what I am embarking on. In that split of a moment, I knew that this is exactly what I need right now. In my case, I answered the call before I heard the invite. So, please know, you don’t have to understand everything about being a priestess in order to become one. If you are reading this article, you are already on the path of your calling to the priestesshood in some capacity.
There will a time when the call will be clearer, and you will have more clarity on its meaning and how to proceed. You can wait for that moment, or you can start the path of a priestess at the guidance of your heart.
Some ways to start answering the call and gain deeper knowledge of the priestess path:
Pay attention to your intuition.
Align with the cycles of the Moon,
Connect to the Divine Feminine source (archetype, higher priestess, Goddess) for guidance
If you don’t yet, start a daily meditation practice
Introduce daily quiet reflection and journaling time
Connect to nature and seasons
Connect with your womb and yoni though rituals and meditations
Include elements (earth, fire, water, air) into your home and during meditations & reflections
Establish connection with the energies of the above and below
Connect to flowers, especially the Rose as well as herbs, elixirs, perfumes and potions
Attune yourself to beauty around you and sweetness of the heart
Educate yourself through specific books and articles
Gain support through Taro or Oracle cards
Listen to Cosmic sounds and Solfeggio tunes
Explore essential oils and the anointing rituals
Dance, sing and release all notion that your body is nothing but sacred
Work on releasing your traumas and past wounds
Learn to navigate all your relationships from the perspective of sacred pathways of love you have for them
Add energy healing into your daily routine
Wear colourful clothing (even though many priestesses prefer all white, the most important thing is to feel good and love your appearance without pricy investments)
Become humble and vibrant in your ways
Volunteer your time and embrace the path of service.
Become mindful of your needs
Connect to crystals and crystal grids
Respect your daily actions and reactions. Check in with yourself to make sure they come from the heart and with love
Start a daily reflection journal
Enjoy a fairy tale or two, lean into your imagination, but create healthy boundaries
Eat nutritious foods and drink clean water
Consider joining or string a women’s circle
Introduce daily morning and evening rituals
Infuse your wild and gentle feminine energy into everything you think, say and do on a daily basis with love and grace
By answering your calling with actions, you will find clarity on your priestess path.
Identifying Your Lineage and Priestess Type
It is possible you already know the lineage you want to follow and the type of priestess you will become. But if you are like myself, you might have felt called to different directions and pathways. In the beginning, I was overwhelmed with my passion for learning all I could about a few lineages at once and trying to follow them simultaneously. It is essential to realize that all Divine Feminine lineages teach similar principles and values. The difference is in the cover and presentation of the rites, rituals, prayers and meditations. And, of course, in the main deity or the Goddess.
Your selection of which lineage to follow and be initiated in should be based on your connection to the Divine Feminine and the ways you want to embody this energy. The energy of the Divine Feminine is one of balance between masculine and femininity. It encourages unity and harmony of all energies within the body, mind, spirit of the individual and of humanity. Ask your heart, which lineage is yours to follow, so you can embody these type of opposites within you with ease and grace?
There are certainly many linages for you to follow. As you navigate your Priestess path you may find that your authentic way is the most potent one to you and your devotion may shift to your own lineage. There is no one way to move forward. You are not bind to one path or other. Always listen to inner voice and follow your own path. Everything in this blog is meant to provide you with a starting point and guidance, so you can stay grounded and content while on this journey.
How to identify your lineage and pathway?
Read through this list and pay attention to your senses. If a lineage calls out to you, explore it further.
Read through this list to identity a Priestess type you might be called to follow
Learn about your ancestral linage and descent. You may find there was a priestess in your family tree or a wounded ancestor, whose path you're called to heal through your priestesshood.
If you are affiliated with a religion, look into female saints and deities, they may be calling you to follow their work
Become mindful of signs such as a certain name popping up more often, a book on a subject, a butterfly on your shoulder, a ladybug crawling on your leg, a feather flying around, and so on… Those are all signs of the Divine Feminine archetypes approaching your energy field.
Pay attention to your dreams. Divine Feminine archetypes are cosmic beings and like to appear at nighttime.
Bring awareness to the energetic system of polarity and when choosing your lineage watch for signs of balance, unity and harmony between all the energies. Watch for lineages that seek to restore the balance of energetic power without dominance over one.
Embodying your Priestess within
If I were to give only one advice on how to become a Priestess, I would say: “Listen to your intuition and follow the path of your heart”. It is important to remember that the path of every Priestess is deeply personal. Due to the fluidity and freedom of the feminine energy, there is no fixed sequence on the divine work of a Priestess, therefore, there is no right or wrong way to approach this journey. But there are a values and principles that are a must for every Priestess to embody to walk her authentic path. Because even though the path is all yours, it is guided by the Divine Feminine order and there are “rules” to follow as a devotee of the sacred circle.
Embodying a path of a Priestess means to represent the values and principles of the Divine Feminine, to include that energy into everything you choose to do and say. Once you feel the Divine Feminine with all your senses, within your body and the heart, you have embodied the energy. When leading your life as a Priestess becomes natural to you and smoothly incorporates into your daily life, you have embodied the energy.
Tips on how to embody your Priestess within:
It is essential to cultivate awareness of your inner voice, inner guidance. Should you chose to become initiated or not, you can always embody the way of a Priestess and let it support your life for the greater good. Learn to listen to your intuition
Begin your self-discovery journey. In the beginning stages, in is the practice of “kenosis” - self-emtying love for every cell of your being. The first stage of alchemy is calcination or black stage. It is the same in the process of self-discovery. Empty your self from all the burdens, heal your wounds, take care and love your whole being. Through self-discovery, you are clearing the way for the Divine Feminine energy to flow with ease into your energy field.
The word “priestess” stems from the Greek root “presbyteros” and Late Latin “presbyter”, meaning “elder, venerable, wise one”. The meaning evolves from the physical age to wisdom and knowledge a priestess (priest) hold within them. So, to truly immerse yourself on this journey, seek for information, teachings, stories, practices, biographies, and tools that will expand your horizons, break boundaries, open the mind and heart. Listen to your intentions and follow your heart when choosing the material to work with. I recommend, staring with classical writings on the particular subject, gnostic gospels, spiritual texts, lean the history and symbolisms of lineages and pathways.
The essence of the Priestess energy is the mastery of energetic polarities, thus encompassing individual wholesomeness. This stage maybe one of the toughest one for us, humans. “The Gospel of Mary” (Mary Magdalene) teaches us to be “truly human” and “truly divine”. This is the words of the Divine Feminine, meaning the purpose of humanity is to exit fully as “true human beings” - created with the limiting, messy ego, the limitless soul and a passionate loving heart. It is an invitation to embrace all that you are, the dark and the light, masculine and feminine, pain and joy. It is not about perfection, rather integration of all the aspects and energies.
One of the parts of a priestess path takes place in the community and sisterhood circles. Connecting with like-minded individuals, perhaps, through a spiritual community that resonates with you will provide a feeling of safety, a sense of belonging, inspiration and support. If that is not something you wish to do right now, think to organize your own circle with a few friends curious about your journey.
Meditations, dance, Moon work, crystal healings, journaling are some sacred rituals that as a Priestess you are encouraged to incorporate into your daily sacred practice. There are oh so many sacred rituals you can choose to perform. Seek the ones that resonate with your heart. If the ritual is suggested to you, but it does not feel right, ask why before refusing. Sometimes the uncomfortable feeling is a tell for something we actually need and should follow through. Otherwise, don’t invest in any ritual that doesn’t resonate with your Soul.
Plant a seed of feminine divinity within your heart and grow it into your personal Tree of Life. Cultivate the values and principles of the Divine Feminine within the landscapes of your Soul. This is a practice that will require nurturing, love, water and sunshine as would any living organism. Embody the essence of connection to human and the divine, mortal and immortal, love and dark, masculine and feminine. Bring forward qualities of the feminine essence: love, receptivity, compassion, nurturing, wisdom, liberty, fluidity, grace, joy and peace.
Establish a strong connection to the Divine Feminine energy and the Goddess
A calling to become a Priestess is an invitation to bring healing and light to the world though your own journey of self-mastery. It is not a destination, rather a way of life that eventually evolves, amplifies and becomes a beacon of light to others thus extending a healing to our planet.
May your journey be guided by the light of your heart and wisdom of your Soul.
With lots of Love,