Mary Magdalene

Hello, and welcome, dear one…

If we haven’t met, allow me to introduce myself:

I am Katia, a metaphysical therapist, energy healer, Rose Priestess, Magdalene Isis Priestess, and the creator of Rose Priestess Reiki Energy Healings. I love everything mystical, pagan, ancient and believe in the power of radical love. For most of my life, I have studied a variety of ancient soul and physical healing traditions and found my peace once I was introduced to “The Gospel of Mary” and to the concept of the feminine sovereignty. Mary Magdalene leads the way for the women to connect, speak their truth and embrace their unique leadership roles in the healing of our planet. She the feminine master of our times, for this reason I am called to introduce Mary Magdalene to those who are ready to receive support on radical life changes and the healing of the planet.

In this blog you will find two meditations with a step-by-step instructions and a list of 10 ways you can establish connection with Mary Magdalene.

Feel free to ask questions in comments or reach out to me directly.

Get a cup of coco and have a cosy read :)


This blog is an exploration of the story of Mary Magdalene, her role in Christianity, and the profound influence of the Divine Feminine. We will delve into Mary's narrative as presented by the Roman Catholic Church and the canonical gospels from the New Testament. Additionally, we will explore the Gospel of Mary of Magdala, believed to be written by Mary herself.

Our journey will culminate in a discussion of the power of the Divine Feminine within Mary's story, its relevance in our lives today, and a Heart-Womb meditation aimed to balance polarities.

Before we begin, I invite you to set your personal intention. Is there anything specific you'd like to ask Mary Magdalene or a particular feeling you'd like to experience?


Intention Setting Meditation:

You will take three intentional deep breaths. Breathe out at your own pace, do not hold your breath.

1. Close your eyes and take a deep breath into your belly. Ground yourself in your body and feel its strength and stability.

2. Take you second breath when you are ready, bring forward your intention. Let the energy envelop your entire being. Release any expectations and stay present in the moment.

3. Take your third breath, and when ready, open your eyes. Reconnect with your surroundings. If you wish to jot down any thoughts or insights in your journal or notepad, please do so.

This meditation practice is akin to what Mary Magdalene herself would have practised—a way to stay grounded in your body while attuning to the voice of your soul. This is a mini version, feel free to expand according to your intuition. It is a wonderful way to start your day and include in your evening ritual.

Now, let's explore the remarkable life and role of Mary Magdalene.

Mary Magdalene and Her Role in Christianity

Not much is known about Mary's life before she joined Christ in his ministry: She was known as Miriam, and she came from Magdala, a small fishermen village on the western shore of Galilee.

The greater part of Mary's story unfolds in the 4th century, specifically in 325 AD when Constantine the Great convened the first council to establish the formal canon, or the Bible, and formalize Christianity. Constantine had his unique vision of Christianity and in that vision women place to be in the authority of the society or the Church

The Council's unease with Mary Magdalene's prominence, as she was mentioned in all four gospels about twelve times, led to a concerted effort to undermine her role. The result was the characterisation of Mary as a sinful, unholy woman and a prostitute. This false portrayal justified the exclusion of women from leadership roles within the Church and marginalised them in society.

As Christianity gained power from the 4th century onward, a patriarchal culture took hold, driven by fear, and sadly, all their doings were in the name of the Saviour.

In the year 591, Pope Gregory I further solidified Mary's image as a repentant whore by conflating three different women from the Bible into one, named Mary Magdalene. This misrepresentation aimed to reinforce the idea of salvation and redemption.

Despite the Church's efforts to erase her significance, all four gospels continued to mention Mary Magdalene at pivotal moments in Yeshua's life. She was among the three present at the crucifixion and the first to witness Yeshua's resurrection, two foundational events in Christianity. 

Mark's gospel offers more insight into Mary's identity, when we find Mary and other women bringing ancient oils to Yeshua’s tomb on the morning of the resurrection. Magdalene’s usage of the sacred oils, such as spikenard, connects her to the lineage of the Sacred Prostitutes from the Temple of Isis, where at the heart of the teachings was the usage of sexual energy on the multidimensional level. The oils facilitated the transition from death to the realm of the spirit. These specific oils in the hands of a priestess support the transition over the threshold of death while retaining consciousness.

A passage in one of the gospels reveals Yeshua's recognition of Mary's anointing, further emphasising her role as a student of sacred feminine practices. The term “Christ” itself derives from the Greek word “χρισος,” meaning “the anointed one.”

1500 years later… Fast-forward to 1896

In Cairo, Egypt, a German scholar Carl Reinhard acquired a 5th-century manuscript written in Coptic language. It became known as the Berlin codex. This manuscript contained the first found copy of the Gospel of Mary of Magdala.

The manuscript challenged the Church's narrative. This gospel presented a radical interpretation of Yeshua's teachings and painted Mary Magdalene as a strong, compassionate figure, a holder of sacred wisdom, and a beloved student and companion of Yeshua. It suggested a new perspective on what it means to be a human, a true human, someone fully human and fully divine, referring to the Greek word “Anthropos.”

“The Gospel of Mary” explained that the demons Mary possessed are in fact, the seven powers of the ego. She was not possessed by demons, she simply contained what all of us have, our ego-selves. Yeshua showed Mary how to face her ego by passing through seven stages, meaning fully embracing each messy and scary part of herself. It is suggested that by passing through the stages and reaching the highest point of the soul Mary gained ability to see and hear Yeshua at the time of resurrection.

In other words, Mary experienced a divine healing journey of the soul. She embraced the darkness within her and fully opened up to the Divine. Mary Magdalene is a vessel of the Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness, a perfect balance of feminine and masculine energies.

Nearly a century later, in 1969, the Church formally apologised and recognized Mary Magdalene as a Saint, “renaming” her to “the apostle to the apostles.” This acknowledgement reinforced her role as the first witness to the resurrection.


Yeshua and Mary Magdalene desired to create a particular way of living for people on Earth. The way of the heart not fear. They intended for humanity to live in harmony with their souls, on a contrary to everything we have been taught for centuries.

At this time, the world is changing its energetic dynamic due to the shifts of the Earth grid. As a result, the imbalance of energies is greatly realised. That it is why there is such a need for feminine energy to prevail.


Feminine Empowerment in Mary Magdalene's Story

Our planet has entered an era of deep healing, in the new 5th dimension reality, where women's energy is poised to lead. Mary Magdalene's story provides invaluable insights that can inspire women to embrace their unique voices and bring their powers forward.

Mary Magdalene's narrative is a rich tapestry, representing the power of the feminine across multiple dimensions. Her story resonates with themes of humanity, connection to both lower and higher realms, and the perfect balance of opposing energies within the Divine Feminine. She embodies feminine strength, unconditional love, compassion, courage, and the power of sacred union and sisterhood.

By recognizing and integrating these qualities into our lives, we can transform darkness. Our path to liberation involves embracing the shadow sides of ourselves. By reframing the darkness, we uncover beauty and love within it. Like a flower opening its petals, we move towards balance and harmony, just as Mary's story teaches us.

Mary Magdalene's call is to embrace all aspects of yourself, honour them, and love them deeply. 

She serves as a driving force in our inner transformation, an example of the healed and the healer, a prostitute and whore, a teacher and a student, and of finding harmony between the human and divine, masculine and feminine. In essence, Mary Magdalene represents our potential and is the embodiment of all we are and can become.

By connecting with Mary's energy, we will rediscover a perfect balance within ourselves.


How to connect with Mary Magdalene?

Each of us has a choice in how we perceive Mary Magdalene's greatness, be it within the framework of traditional Christianity or as an icon of the Divine Feminine. We can choose to see her as a symbol of redemption and faith or as a source of mystical wisdom and love. Regardless of the lens through which we view her, Mary Magdalene's story offers us an opportunity to connect with the profound aspects of our own spirituality.

Follow your intuition on ways to connect with Mary Magdalene. Begin with the one that feels comfortable and aligned with how you feel. Make it really simple for yourself.

10 ways to establish connection with Mary Magdalene:

  • Prayer:

    Mary Magdalene’s Christianity is not based on the religion of a particular Church. Choose a prayer that feels right to you. You can also speak to her in your own words.

  • Meditation:

    Similar to a prayer, follow your intuitive guidance. The three breath meditation in the beginning of this blog is perfect to start if you don’t have a practice yet. A profound is to choose a meditation in stillness and connect to your heart center.

  • Movement:

    Any movement that is rooted in the Divine feminine where you can establish a sensual body-heart connection. Some options: hatha yoga, tantric dance, kundalini chakra dance, 5Rythmes, tango, belly dancing, shamanic dance. Turn your favourite tune and move your body with intention

  • Music:

    Cosmic, Shamanic drumming, Classical, Female voices

  • Journal:

    Start a new journal, begin each entry with a greeting to Mary Magdalene. Imagine her in front of you as you speak to her through your writing. Eventually, you will hear her replying to your questions, commenting, correcting the way of your path, protecting and supporting you.

  • The Moon:

    Mary Magdalene has a strong connection with nature. The moon is one of the symbols of the Divine Feminine, the healers and the witches. To begin, follow the Full Moon calendar. On the night of the full moon, make a list of the powers of the ego you are ready to bring forward (or anything you want to change), call upon Mary Magdalene and ask her to show you safe ways to heal and transform. Release the outcome.

  • The Elements:


    Burn a candle or if possible make a fire. Begin with a 7 day devotional ritula practice. Every day for seven days light a candle and call upon Mary Magdalene through a specific prayer or your own words. Establish connection with the flame.


    You can pick a dish of your choice. I use a crystal bowl, a metal chalice and a glass jar, depending on a tone of the ritual. You can make a moon water in a glass jar by placing it with a lid on under the moon light on a full moon of your choice. Leave it for the night, pick up before sunrise. Add a few drops of alcohol to preserve it. Use the water in your devotional practice: drink it, added to your food, wash your face with it, etc… Practice clearing shower meditation, take baths with crystals, rose petals, essential oils.


    Find ways to connect to the earth element: walk barefoot, grow a garden, collect twigs and make ornaments, collect and plant flowers, walk in the forest, attend women gatherings in nature or related to nature such as herbal workshops. Honour the four directions, the sky and the earth by sending a special prayer. Work with crystals, create crystal grids.


    Burn incense: rose, frankincense, sandalwood, dragon blood, Egyptian musk. Walk with your back to the wind, visit the desert.

  • Altar:

    Find a dedicated spot in you personal space that can be undisturbed. Place objects that remind you of Mary Magdalene. Spend time each day at the altar.

  • The Rose

    Red rose is Mary Magdalene’s flower. Plant and grow a red rose in your garden, purchase one for your altar, print our your favourite picture of the rose, be creative in the way you bring red rose energy into your body and your home.

  • The Womb and The Heart

    The womb is the sacred space where life begins and the void where next life starts. Below you will find a practice you can do daily. By harmonising the energies of your womb and the heart, establishing a heart-womb connection, you will balance masculine and feminine enegy. This will bring a deep healing to all the aspects of your life. Please note: you do not have to have a physical womb to do this practice. It is available to everyone.


    Heart - Womb Harmony Ritual

    Mary Magdalene is known as the Womb Priestess. She represents a special lineage of women who carried an ancient womb knowledge - this was long before Christianity at the time of The Temple of Isis. The womb holds true wisdom, discernment and nous, which is known as common sense and the highest point of soul’s wisdom. Womb power is neutral this means it can be used with ill intent or with highest good. When a woman chooses to open up her womb powers, she instantly creates a potent energetic vortex between the heart and the womb. This is a tremendous initiation because she can easily attract her greatest fear or create in conscious love. Heart and womb feel in unison. When the heart blossoms so does the womb and when the womb opens so does the heart.

    The Heart-Womb ritual you are about to practice will help to create the energetic vortex between the heart and the womb. If you practice this daily for seven days, you will begin to cut through many of the barriers holding you back from the liberation of your soul or your highest self. You will balance masculine and feminine energy, and restore a path of love within your whole being.


    1. Find a quite spot, sit comfortably, keep your back straight for the energy to flow with ease.

    2. Close your eyes and go inwards. Inhale a deep breath in though your nose and into your belly. Breathe out through your mouth.

    3. Place your left hand hand on your heart and right on your womb area, lower abdomen, or if you feel really comfortable place your left hand, palm up, in between your thighs. See what feels right to you.

    4. Next, feel as if your mind is dropping into your heart, release all your thoughts, worries and pains, into your heart. Imagine them dissolving even if it is only for a minute or even a second.

    5. Then, allow your heart to drop down into your womb, establishing a sacred connection.

    6. Feel your hands beginning to circulate the energy between the womb and the heart.

    7. You can stay here for as long as you need to

    8. Then, you can either come out of this meditation by breathing in and out three times and opening your eyes. Or, you can take it further and place your one hand on one of the ovaries, keeping the other at your heart centre (left side representing a female, right side- male energy)


In closing, I would like to remind you, that you have a choice in how to perceive Mary Magdalene's greatness, be it within the framework of traditional Christianity or as an icon of the Divine Feminine. We can choose to see her as a symbol of redemption and faith or as a source of mystical wisdom and love. Regardless of the lens through which you view her, Mary Magdalene's story offers an opportunity to connect with the profound aspects of our own divinity.

The essence of our exploration goes beyond the information presented. It's not about the quantity or depth of information we receive, but rather how we hear it and, more importantly, how we process it. Mary Magdalene's story calls us to delve deeper, to transcend the surface, and to seek our own personal connection with her.

Thank you for trusting me on your exploration of Mary Magdalene's remarkable journey and the resurgence of the Divine Feminine. May her story continue to inspire you as you embark on your own unique path to wisdom, empowerment, and spiritual growth.

P.S. If you ready to learn to more and dive deeper into Mary Magdalene’s mysteries, join me for my other offerings: 1:1 Red Rose Healing and Consultation, 12- week mentorship program (Healing the Ego), Mary Magdalene and Red Rose Workshop; private facebook group: The Rose Tribe.


Energetic Update for 2024


What is the Divine Feminine?