Types of Empaths

Being an empath is your power.  Embrace the empaths in you, recognise your unique powers, amplify your abilities, and you use the magic for the greater good.

Hey, friend! 

My name is Katia and I am an empath. Until I identified myself as an empath I was feeling lost and disconnected from myself and surroundings. At one point, I was worried about my mental health because the constant chatter in my head wouldn’t take a break. Most of my life I was wondering what is wrong with me? Things that seemed obvious to me didn't make sense to others. I have always been "different".  Sounds familiar? 

You may be an empath if you feel lost and disconnected, overwhelmed by emotions, or have difficulty coping with life's events. The staple to explain who empaths are is to say, empaths are people who feel what others are feeling. In reality, empaths are so much more! 

Read on to learn 19 types of empaths and see if you identify with a type or two… Once you know your type, embrace the empath within and practice your powers for the greater good.  

Most importantly, you will have a chance to take control of your emotions, reactions and overall well-being. 

I believe everyone is an empath because to a certain degree every one read, sense, feel and absorb energy of others and surroundings. Statistics suggests that 2% of population experience strong energetic sensitivity, personally, I sense it is much more. Empaths are not identified as real by modern science, however, holistic and integrative medicine recognises empaths as one of the personality traits. In the 90s psychologists named a highly sensitive person (HSP) as one of the personality traits. Being highly sensitive is interconnect with being an empath. Both sense and feel the energy of other people and environment as well as experience dislike for loud noises, crowds, violent movies and confrontations. But also, both traits are similar in their deep connection to people, nature and animals, deep conversations, analysing skills, discernment and superior sense of intuition. The main difference is that a highly sensitive person may not be clairvoyant or clairsentient, they don’t always posses vivid extra sensory abilities. 

Note that it is possible you will identify with more than one type, most empaths do. For example, I am an intuitive, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, clairaudient and claircongnizant empath. Intuitive empath is found in all of us. Heightened intuitive ability is your first sign that you are an empath.

1.  Emotional Empath: This type of empath is able to feel and sense the emotions of others. They are able to see through any façade the other person is putting up. Unlike highly sensitive or some other empaths, an emotional empath actually experiences the emotions that others are feeling. I would say, all empaths are emotional empaths.

2.   Medical (Physical) Empath: They are able to feel the physical pain of another. The stress, aches, and sensations from someone else’s body can manifest in the medical empath. Many of them become doctors, nurses and therapists. It is extremely important for medical empaths to be very aware of who’s pain they are experiencing and to be able to identify their own needs before their patience.

3. Clairvoyant Empath: Someone who is able to perceive the future, sense beyond the Earth plan and human contact. This type of empath needs extra self-care due to a strong connection with many energetic forces from other times and dimensions. 

3.   Animal (Fauna) Empaths: Animal Empath is able to find a connection with most creatures. They innately understand the needs and feelings of an animal or a plant and positively influence their behaviour. You might have heard of animal whispers, those who can hear an animal and sometimes even reply, those empaths are animal empaths as well as clairaudient (able to receive information from their higher self and hear sounds, voices, etc.)

4.   Nature (Plant) Empath: Nature empaths views the Earth as one being, they have deep connection to our Planet. During natural disasters, Nature Empaths often experience strong negative emotions, they cry when if the earth cries, and thrive during the healing with nature. These empaths also have a strong connection to plants and what flora needs to survive. Nature empaths hear messages of the plants. They are amazing gardeners, study herbology, become shamans and alchemists.

5.   Intellectual Empath: They understand how the mind works and can easily grasp someone else’s perspective. They love to learn and continue to study throughout their life. These empaths can change the communication style instantly to much any conversation. Because it is so easy for intellectual empath to connect with any type of people, they might have a hard time identifying their authentic self.

6.   Precognitive (Intuitive) Empath: Precognitive Empath experience visions about future events. Those visions might come as a premonition, feeling or a vivid dream. Intuitive Empaths are born with natural psychic abilities.

7.   Geomantic (Environmental) Empath: They feel the energy left in a specific place. They can walk into a room and know that a major argument took place there hours earlier. These empaths are often drawn to explore graveyards, churches or old houses. Certain places can trigger strong emotions and the Geometric empath may be drawn to a location or feel strong urgency to leave. These empaths are in tune with energetic space clearings and can easily practice Feng Shui and Vastu.

8.   Spiritual Empaths: They have wisdom about another person’s connection to the divine. They understand deeply the relationship other people have to a higher power. All empaths are spiritual empaths related to themselves.

9.   Claircognizant Empath: They can see past body language, facial expressions and words to understand another person’s deep secrets. They can sense a person’s actual intentions, regardless of what that person is saying. Their ability is referred to as “clear knowing”.  They can also be clairaudient (clear hearing) and clairvoyant (clear seeing).  Mediums have some of those abilities or all. 

10. Clairvoyant Empath: Someone who is able to perceive the future, sense beyond the Earth’s plan and human contact. This type of empath needs extra self-care due to their strong connection with many energetic forces from other times and dimensions. 

11. Clairsentient Empath:  They can sense the emotional and psychic energy beyond the ordinary. These types of empaths are good mediums and channellers for other realms, worlds and dimensions. If you have the ability to sense the energy of people far away from you or viewing someone else's picture, and you cannot explain how this is possible, then you are using your six senses. 

12.  Medium Empath: Medium Empaths have established connection with the supernatural world. They can connect with spirits of the deceased. These empaths can experience the feelings, thoughts, or mental impressions of spiritual beings.

13.  Psychometric Empath: They recognize the energy in the inanimate objects such as clothing, photography, keepsakes and jewelry. Some mediums will ask to bring an item to a reading. This item must belong exclusively to you or if doing a reading for someone else, they might ask for a picture of that person or an object that is exclusive to that person. Those type of mediums are psychometric empaths.

14.  Crystal Empath: They feel powerful connection to crystals and use these for information, inspiration and spiritual exploration.

15.  Telepathic Empath:  These types of empath are considered “mind readers” since they can experience another person’s unexpressed thoughts.

16.  Mechanical Empath: A mechanical empath understands machines. They don’t need technical knowledge to know and understand what need to be fixed in any machinery.

17. Astral Empath: These empaths can directly interact with astral beings such as fairies, angels and ETs.

18. Law Enforcement Empath: They share the special ability to solve crimes and find missing persons.

19. Molecular Empath: They experience others at the molecular level, which gives them a deep understanding of a person’s essence. This ability is helpful for healing and teaching.

I am here should you need help figuring out which type of empath are you and what to do next…

with love,



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“Munay-Ki”- the energy of love